SA002 – Halloween Special 2021!


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SA002 – Halloween Special 2021!

It’s our Halloween special! We pause our party’s dungeon delve adventure for a pleasant, quiet gathering of the party and friends at the Maefynwe estate to celebrate the Autumn harvest festival. Some claim the time of year is haunted, but that’s all superstitious nonsense. Right?

Grickx brings enough to share. Wealthy struggles with affairs of the heart. Vons gives professional criticism. Aracyne steals her family members’ stuff. Photios has a floop.

Content Warning: Due to the horror angle, things got a bit more grim than usual. This episode has graphic violence and gore beyond what’s usually in our show. There’s also mind control/brainwashing, with some accompanying consent issues touched on briefly near the end. If you need to sit this one out, no worries! Any big things that cross over into the main campaign will be explained within those mainline episodes.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Check us out online! We’re at

PS Behold, the promised maps! Note they are very much not to scale.

First Floor:

Second Floor: