What’s This Podcast You’re Listening To?
Primary Attribute is a Castles & Crusades actual-play podcast where our cast unravels the mysteries of Arx Moltimus, a mountain fortress that contains the last surviving city, as it moves through the sky above a world consumed by a supernatural corruption and attempts to hold out for just a little longer. Battles are fought, romances blossom, secrets are uncovered, bugs are eaten, and city infrastructure is maintained against all odds.
Want to start from the beginning? Check out the first episode!
So What is Castles and Crusades?
Castle and Crusades is an RPG by Troll Lord games. It’s on the same shelf as that other RPG you’ve heard of, but just to the left, assuming your game shop stocks their books alphabetically… We play using character sheets, polyhedral dice, microphones, and our imaginations. You can learn more about Castles and Crusades by visiting the Troll Lord Games website.