Tag: Castles and Crusades
054 – Snake, It’s a Snake
The party descends down into the maintenance tunnels to follow Grickx’s investigation into the death of his friend. They actually remember to prepare this time, in flagrant disregard for on-site [Continue]
053 – Apparently We Do Negotiate with Distillers
Aracyne meets with Nara, and tries to plea her case. Nara isn’t so easily moved, however, and will need some convincing. Meanwhile, the rest of the party has a perfectly [Continue]
052 – Sedition
The party has gathered together, and we join them as they discuss overthrowing the government. They, of course, have no reservations and are ready to engage in the most radical [Continue]
051 – Montage 6: All Good Things Must End (After They Take Forever)
Our grand experiment in post-modern montage approaches its end. The party achieves some long-awaited goals and gains some new abilities. A sandwich atlatl is proposed. Most importantly, the Prophecy comes [Continue]
050 – Montage 5: There Wasn’t Supposed To Be Plot
It’s our 50th episode! Thanks for sticking with us, and we hope you keep on enjoying our show for a long time to come. 😀 We approach the end of [Continue]
049 – Montage 4: Laying Foundations, Burning Bridges
Our prestige miniseries continues with the party pressing on in their training and putting down roots for further growth. There’s study sessions, horrible grandparents, a friend waking up from a [Continue]
048 – Montage 3: Getting Lucky
We wrap up week two of four of our montage! A speedy 3 episodes in! Aracyne syncs back up with the time stream, and everyone meets at a bar to [Continue]
047 – Montage 2: Let’s Stop Searching for People, Huh?
(We recommend reading the title in Aracyne’s voice for maximum effect.) In the second episode of the montage (shush, you), the remaining party of Grickx, Wealthy, and Vons searches for [Continue]
046 – Aracyne Does A Hit
We cut away from the party’s montage to cover what Aracyne’s been up to. Turns out it’s not just partying! Instead there’s disguises, stakeouts, copious amounts of poison, and an [Continue]
045 – Montage 1: Expanding Horizons
We start our highly efficient 4-week montage where the party members train up, make connections, and improve their skills as part of leveling. And cover one whole week. It’s a [Continue]
044 – Stumbling Home
Everyone heads home, dirty and exhausted, after their rescue of Cog from the depths of the maintenance tunnels. The proper authorities are retroactively informed, loot is divided, some people pull [Continue]
SA003 – Solstice Special 2021!
It’s our 2021 Solstice Special! Or whatever winter-ish holiday of your choice! This solstice we would like to formally invite you to attend a party at the home of Grickx [Continue]
043 – Up the Down Ramp
(Special Announcement! Be sure to keep an eye out this Friday (12/24) for our holiday episode! There are SWEATERS.) With a pile of invisible monsters swarming towards them, and a [Continue]
042 – Small Explosives, Big Consequences
The party’s secured Cog and starts looking for a way out. But that turns out to be a tall order, and as trouble besets them on every side things get [Continue]
041 – A Cog in the Machine
With Cog’s life hanging in the balance, the party executes their rescue operation. It leads to Cog’s life hanging in midair instead. It’s all going according to plan, right? And [Continue]
040 – Beauty, Grace, Both Landed On Their Face
After Aracyne’s injury, the party stops to regroup, recuperate, and reconsider their plan of action. It looks like it’s going to be a long night down in the maintenance tunnels. [Continue]
039 – Gravity’s a Real Pain
The party explores the room with the giant crystal column, searching for any more clues as to Cog’s whereabouts. There’s also the little matter of the disturbances in the water [Continue]
038 – A Forest of Tongues
The party, having successfully saved Grickx from becoming Stabby-food, works out what to do next on their search for Cog. They press on through a dense thicket of horrible tongues [Continue]
037 – Resolving the Grickx Buffet
We rejoin our hero, Stabby the (not-technically-a-)Roper, as they try to finish the delicious meal they started last week. Will they succeed at consuming a delightful kobold treat? Perhaps sample [Continue]
036 – Strange Cables
The party’s search for Cog continues as they try to find the best way down to the lower levels to keep following his trail. It’s not all smooth sailing, however, [Continue]