Tag: Castles and Crusades
SA010 – A Bit Of Light Reading
(The cast has had a lot of Life Stuff happen all at once recently, which has affected our recording schedule. So no standard episode this week, though fear not, those will be back soon! Instead we offer some fine, fine bonus content for your listening pleasure.) Once upon a time, an old elvish man with…
150 – Math Mouth
The party battles a kraken on the high seas! Dives are done dramatically, swashes are buckled, and ships are battered and broken. Also: cephalopod snuggles! The Great Squirrello gets caught up in personal problems. Wealthy makes an opening. Vons practices proper potion safety. Jyessi wrangles a rodeo stunt. Grickx does some cetacean creatin’. Check us…
149 – Squir-Ell-Oh
The party arrives and Harper’s Fleet and tries to negotiate passage to Aea. Their great and fearless leader pops in to help. Jyessi leaves her sea legs in her other pants. Grickx does a polar bear swim. Wealthy tangles with her old nemesis, gravity. Vons tries to make calamari. Squirrello regards fish with appropriate suspicion.…
148 – Going to the Beach
The party goes off to find Harper’s Fleet. They just have to take care of a few things before they leave. It goes about as smoothly as it does for most of us. Vons packs magic snacks. Grickx is ready to goooooo. Wealthy gets a health check. Jyessi’s just so excited to be here. Check…
147 – Dragon Time
The party engages in some pharmaceutical testing. Or they will, if they can find their way back to base. Orienteering is hard! Vons causes immeasurable sadness. Grickx ruins a door. Wealthy turns down a prime offer. Jyessi hears something coming. Check us out online! We’re at https://www.primaryattribute.com
146 – Knot Ideal
The party works on plans for a new base and attempts to subdue a dangerous corrupted creature caught in their cunning trap. There’s daring! There’s danger! There’s logistics! Jyessi uses a specialty tool. Grickx ties the knot. Wealthy suffers the Air Bud precedent. Vons makes draft picks. Check us out online! We’re at https://www.primaryattribute.com
145 – A Novel Scent
The party made it down to the ground, and now it’s time to do research! And learn what the ocean smells like! Jyessi takes in the view. Grickx offers a ride. Wealthy doesn’t think through all the angles. Vons feels secure. Check us out online! We’re at https://www.primaryattribute.com
144 – RIP Vine
The party’s beat up as hell, Grickx is a popsicle, and they’re not sure what to do next. But there’s a shiny object nearby! They should look at that. Grickx takes a deal. Wealthy finally uses her history lessons. Jyessi sets some boundaries. Vons doesn’t learn. Check us out online! We’re at https://www.primaryattribute.com
143 – Finally, Master Blaster
It’s time for the party to head back down to the ground, and that means traveling through the maintenance tunnels and caverns below the city to reach a teleportation circle. The real question is: how many Arx-OSHA noncompliance tickets will they file before they get there? Vons takes decisive action. Jyessi does a press-up. Wealthy…
SA009 – Solstice Special 2023!
It’s time for our 2023 (Winter) Solstice Special! The party’s been cursed with some last-minute gift shopping, and things quickly get even more complicated than the usual weighing of potential jail time versus your child’s disappointment as you knife fight over the last Playstation. Grickx ruminates on loofahs. Vons engages in some 1st grade science.…