Tag: Xeno Attribute

  • XA08 – Priorities


    The crew arrives at the infirmary to find scared miners who are desperate for help. They, of course, handle it with professionalism and in no way embarrassingly undermine their own authority. Damir technically gets repaired. Dr. Rae has his research rudely interrupted by patients. Paul takes the scenic route rather than turning around. Oz thinks…

  • XA07 – Malfeasance of God


    The crew catches their breath in the administrative offices and plans what to do next. It’s a shame no breather can last forever. They push on towards the infirmary, and all the dangers along the way. Damir calculates acceptable losses. Oz gets gripped. Dr. Rae knows corporate policy. Paul scrapes the paint. Check us out…

  • XA06 – If Barnacles Could Fly


    Barnacles have invaded the mining base, and the crew heads in to rescue whoever they can! With varying degrees of enthusiasm. Oz gets spray foam everywhere. Damir makes someone depressed. Dr. Rae says a slur. Paul struggles with doors. Check us out online! We’re at https://www.primaryattribute.com/xeno-attribute

  • XA05 – Fishing for Clues


    The crew works on jury-rigging a giant fusion reactor into a fusion engine, and makes plans to go examine the alien ruins. Are both dangerous? Absolutely. But what’s life without risk? Dr. Rae faces resistance. Damir provides enrichment. Oz picks up and drops rocks repeatedly. Paul freshens up. Check us out online! We’re at https://www.primaryattribute.com/xeno-attribute

  • XA04 – Anything But the Metric System


    Attack of the killer space barnacles! The crew fights back with bravery, wits, and guns. Okay, *one* of those. Guess which one! Damir vibes out. Paul ponders Schrödinger’s walker. Dr. Rae prioritizes. Oz does his job better than the rest put together. Check us out online! We’re at https://www.primaryattribute.com/xeno-attribute

  • XA03 – Don’t Lick the Space Cucumber


    The crew are beat up, along with the Martell. That won’t keep them from getting in a smaller, more-delicate ship to venture onto an alien world that’s exiting the system! They have to stop it, after all, and how hard can wrangling a rogue planetoid be? Damir pops their elbow. Oz suits up. Dr. Rae…

  • XA02 – Backrubs and Amphetamines


    We rejoin the crew as they face down an onslaught of meteoroids threatening to smash the ship into stardust. There’s tricky piloting, weapon firing, and even taking calls! Damir transcends bluetooth. Oz pew pews. Dr. Rae analyzes tactically. Paul has a need for speed. Check us out online! We’re at https://www.primaryattribute.com

  • XA01 – Welcome to Fomalhaut


    Welcome to Xeno Attribute! It’s a spinoff podcast GM’ed by Whit. With a mix of old and new players, we dive into some working-class space horror! Nothing will go wrong! Today we meet the crew of the Martell as they’re briefed on their latest job, a simple cargo run to a mining outpost in the…