Tag: Podcast

  • 187 – The Historians, the Archaeologists, and Me


    The party puts on the Steamboat Willie Rescue Fun Time Revue! One portion of the party tries to escort him down the mountain, the other tries to go up to meet them, and the CK tries very hard to avoid talking to themselves. Cool Vons pokes at pottery. Steamboat Willie sees a bird. Wealthy sneaks…

  • 186 – Yell at Your Problems


    The party tries to find each other during a treacherous lockdown, winding their way through the wilderness of caves and old maintenance tunnels in the top portion of the mountain. But certain creatures have made their home there, and won’t make it easy for them. Steamboat Willie finds a fish. Wealthy pulls a Superman. Cool…

  • 185 – Party Line by Rat


    The party pulls together as Steamboat Willie takes flight with his handmade glider. They’re the sort of friends that you can call at 3 a.m. for help and you know they’ll come…right? Steamboat Willie touches the heavens. Vons snoozes. Grickx lives out a fantasy. Cool Vons goes out on the town. Jyessi piles in. Wealthy…

  • 184 – Bread All The Way Down


    It’s time for the party to decide how to spend those valuable hours between the end of the work day and slumber. Maybe they’ll work out and do the dishes? Or go to the library to learn about abhorrent magical practices. That works too. Vons has disparaging opinions about children. Grickx listens to the needs…

  • 183 – It’s My First Day


    The party works hard to do a good job on Grickx’s first day as the new Overseer of Engineering. It’s time to learn the ropes, see if the previous person left behind any good snacks in their desk, and read the employee handbook. And learn terrible secrets! Vons pressgangs himself into service. Jyessi gatekeeps. Cool…

  • 182 – Prison Politics Pipeline


    The party gets back together, and Grickx reveals his master plan to deal with the pressures of his new position. Everyone is suitably impressed and has no doubts at all. Oh, and it’s time for a certain long-awaited introduction… Grickx prepares to zag on ’em. Cool Vons bullrushes illiteracy. Jyessi dares to do better. Vons…

  • 181 – Deep Pearl Diving


    While Grickx cools his heels in a jail cell, the rest of the party goes with Agent Pearl to get the down low on what’s been happening on the Arx since they left. Turns out, it’s quite a lot. Grickx welcomes visitors. Vons notices the missing piece. Jyessi embodies a side table. Steamboat Willie theorizes…

  • 180 – Interrogative


    The party’s tragically split between drinking, reuniting with loved ones, and getting arrested. Life tests us all in different ways. Wealthy insists she’s got it handled. Gatsby compares and contrasts. Steamboat Willie notices something is missing. Grickx is the bigger kobold. Vons attempts introspection. Jyessi writes a note. Check us out online! We’re at https://www.primaryattribute.com

  • 179 – Bad News Beers


    Welcome, new listeners! This is the start of a new arc and we’ve done our best to include recaps and extra context so you can jump on here without needing to archive binge. We hope you enjoy the ride. The party makes it back to the Arx after a slightly wonky teleport, and it’s time…

  • SA013 – Menuing & Chit Chat


    As the party heads back to the Arx, they also level up! In this episode, we go through new hit die, spells, and abilities, with lots of tangents along the way. We hope you enjoy it, and please come back next week for the start of a new arc! Check us out online: We’re at…